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The city core technology jewelry
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Crafts afternoon suddenly caught fire in staff dormitory fire
Release Date:2012-12-24
14:00 or so at a time when one in Shenzhen Longgang District staff dormitory next to an almost six-meter high foam crafts directly do not know why suddenly suddenly furious, and soon spread to a nearby dormitory, there staff discovered the fire, shouting fire, many employees have come out from the dormitory, and ultimately caused no casualties, but there is an employee, the smoke down, was rushed to the hospital, no life-threatening.

Rushed to the fire alarm fire was brought under control and eventually extinguished.

Great fire led factory floor staff quarters have become a dark surface. Specifically what led to near six-meter-high foam crafts sudden fire, the specific reasons still further investigation.

Office Address: 1708, Block B Tel :010-Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District, Beijing on the 5th Phoenix 84,466,836 Fax :010 -84,466,989
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